Get started today!

Close to one year after starting ShiningPanda, we are proud to announce that the private beta is finally over: anybody can signup and get started today!

ShiningPanda is the first hosted integration service dedicated to Python. We support all the Python versions that matter (2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2), and are making it super easy for you to build any Python project.

Our plans are available in Euros and US dollars:

  • shared plans start from 50 € / month for 2 hours of build per day,
  • dedicated plans start from 160 € / month,
  • for Open Source projects we offer a 50% discount (at 25 € / month) on the 2 hours shared plan.

And for ShiningPanda launch we offer special discounts: check the plans to learn more, and get started now!